Alpha Xi Delta Celebrates 125 Years of Sisterhood

Indianapolis, IN - Alpha Xi Delta was founded on April 17, 1893 at Lombard College in Galesburg, Illinois by ten young women who dreamed of an organization that would serve as a place for women to support each other in a time in history where women were rarely represented on college campuses. Their vision has grown throughout the past 125 years into a Sisterhood of more than 175,000 initiated members.
We are continuing the 125th celebration throughout 2018 to touch as many members as possible. Sisters are celebrating through chapter and association gatherings, during Alpha Xi Delta’s summer leadership programs and the Fraternity’s Volunteer Leadership Conference. The celebration will cap off at Alpha Xi Delta’s 2019 National Convention in Seattle, Washington.
In honor of this historic milestone anniversary, Sisters are encouraged to share their Alpha Xi Delta stories. Why stories? Alpha Xi Delta would not be the bold, inspiring organization it is today without our Sisters who have shaped our dear Fraternity into a home for more than 175,000 women. Every member is a unique piece that collectively makes up the history of Alpha Xi Delta. Sisters can submit their stories at Submitted stories can be viewed here.
In honor of our 125th anniversary, the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation is embarking on a three-year, $1.25 million campaign that will provide quality programming to inspire strong, passionate leaders who will help guarantee the success and growth of Alpha Xi Delta for the next 125 years. Every gift received from June 1, 2016 through May 31, 2019 counts toward the goal.
A focus of the Campaign is The Founders’ Academy, named in honor of those ten brave women who took a bold step in 1893 to create an organization that would transform the lives of its members. The Founders’ Academy brings together current and emerging chapter leaders to develop their strength-based leadership skills. It is a finest example of the best in class programming that provides a strong foundation for Alpha Xi Delta Sisters as they enter the workforce, our communities and grow their families.
Want to Keep the Celebration Going?
- A listing of chapter and association events are located here.
- Join The Empowerment Network to mentor and network with Sisters
- Make plans to attend Convention 2019 in Seattle!
- Wear your Quill badge when attending class, a professional development meeting or a conference.
- Participate in an Autism Speaks Walk near you.
- Connect with a Sister for a coffee, lunch or dinner date.
About Alpha Xi Delta
Founded in 1893 at Lombard College, now Knox College, in Galesburg Illinois, Alpha Xi Delta inspires women to realize their potential by providing opportunities for Sisterhood, leadership knowledge and service. The national women’s fraternity has more than 175,000 initiated members and chapters on 130 college campuses.