Betty's Story
I was initiated into Alpha Xi Delta's Gamma Tau Chapter during May of 1962 after being asked and invited to join. I was very excited and honored to be asked to join because I entered college at the age of 40 years old and I was a founding member of Alpha Xi Delta which was an epic journey in my life. My major in college was History and Political Science, and Professor Dave Saffel was my advisor. After college, I worked for a resort at the Physical Plant in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and was there for 25 summers. I was a full time mother of 3 children and my spouse passed from a heart attack so I decided to go to college. After college, I also was elected the first woman councilman for Ada, Ohio. I taught swimming at the local pool for years. My life has been full and it hasn't stopped as I turned 95 years old last year with my family and friends at The Peaks.
Written by Betty Elzay, '62 Ohio Northern