Dianne's Story
I received an Alpha Xi Delta scholarship in 1984 that enabled me to finish my master's degree in Psychology. At the time, I was a divorced mother with a 2 year old daughter. I graduated in December of 1984 from Emporia State University (KS) and went on the PhD program in Management in the College of Business at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I was hired by Dr. Sang Lee, founder of the field of Decision Science and worked with Dr. Fred Luthans, who is most famous for Psychological Capital and Positive Organizational Behavior. I completed my dissertation under his supervision concerning the Premack Principle of Reward Systems. I currently hold the Hayes Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship and Founding Director of the Entrepreneurship Programs at The University of North Carolina Greensboro. I have held three endowed chairs and started three entrepreneurship programs/centers. I was the 2015 Fulbright-Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship for Central Europe. I have been honored to visit and lecture in 40 countries. I am a recognized scholar in family business, international entrepreneurship, women-owned businesses, direct selling, and franchising with seven books and over 150 publications.

Without Alpha Xi Delta's scholarship help and my Sister Lynn who wrote a recommendation letter for me, I would not be where I am today. I fully paid back the scholarship to Alpha Xi Delta so others can benefit. I encourage others that are recipients to do the same.
- Submitted by Dianne Welsh, Iowa '80