
All initiated members of Alpha Xi Delta, are responsible for upholding the values and principles of the Fraternity at all times. 

Membership Eligibility

Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity is a private women’s membership organization for individuals who live and self-identify as women. Members are selected following a series of one or more meetings, social events and/or interviews by existing Fraternity members (which may include National Fraternity representatives and/or National Council designees). Each woman selected for membership in Alpha Xi Delta must demonstrate academic achievement, be of good character, have a desire to contribute to the Fraternity’s mission and vision, and be able to contribute to the overall prestige of Alpha Xi Delta. In addition, she must be neither a pledged member nor a past or present initiated member of any other National Panhellenic Conference fraternity, or any similar single –gender national college or university fraternity, with the exception of honorary and professional organizations. - Alpha Xi Delta Constitution and Bylaws, Article III - Membership, Sec. 1


Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity believes it is inherent in our principles not to discriminate on the basis of religion, race, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, citizenship, or age. - Alpha Xi Delta Constitution and Bylaws, Article III - Membership, Sec. 2

Health and Safety Policies

We hold our members to high standards of academic excellence and mature behavior. In order to educate our members on the best practices for member and chapter safety, Alpha Xi Delta sets forth the following health and safety policies.

Alcohol, Drugs and Social Events 

In any activity or event sponsored or endorsed by an Alpha Xi Delta college chapter or alumnae association,

1. Alpha Xi Delta chapters and associations, members and guests must comply with all federal, state, provincial, and local laws and regulations. No person under the legal drinking age may possess, consume, provide, sell or be provided alcoholic beverages.

2. Alpha Xi Delta chapters and alumnae associations, members and guests must follow the federal law regarding illegal drugs and controlled substances. No person may possess, use, provide, distribute, sell, and/or manufacture illegal drugs or other controlled substances while on Alpha Xi Delta premises or at any activity or event sponsored or endorsed by a college chapter or alumnae association.

3. Alcoholic beverages must either be: (a) provided and sold on a per-drink basis by a licensed and insured third-party vendor (e.g., restaurant, bar, caterer, etc.); or (b) brought by individual members and guests through a bring your own beverage (“BYOB”) system. See Third Party Vendor Procedures and BYOB Procedures for more information.

4. Common sources of alcohol, including bulk quantities, which are not being served by a licensed and insured third party vendor, are prohibited (i.e., amounts of alcohol greater than what a reasonable person should consume over the duration of an event).

5. Alcoholic beverages must not be purchased with chapter or association funds or funds pooled by members or guests (e.g., admission fees, cover fees, collecting funds through digital apps, etc.).

6. A college chapter or an alumnae association must not co-host or co-sponsor, or in any way participate in, an activity or event with another group or entity that purchases or provides alcohol, illegal drugs or controlled substances.

7. A chapter or association must not co-host or co-sponsor an event with a bar, event promoter, or alcohol distributor; however, a chapter or association may rent a bar, restaurant, or other licensed and insured third-party vendor to host a chapter event.

8. Attendance by non-members at any event or activity where alcohol is present must be by invitation only, and the chapter or association must utilize a guest list system. The following guidelines are in place for events or activities with alcohol:

a. Date parties, mixers, socials, formals, etc. cannot exceed two guest per member, and must not exceed fire or building code capacity.

b. Parent/Guardian/Family events, alumnae reunions, philanthropy events, multi-group functions etc., cannot exceed local fire or building code capacity of the host venue.

9. All recruitment, Ritual, ceremonies, new member activities and chapter retreats must be substance-free. No alcohol or drugs may be present if the event or activity is related to new member activities, meetings, or Initiation into Alpha Xi Delta, including but not limited to “bid night”, “Big/Little” events or activities, “family” events or activities, and any Ritual or ceremony.

10. College chapters, alumnae associations, members or guests must not permit, encourage, coerce, glorify or participate in any activities involving the rapid consumption of alcohol, such as drinking games or bar crawls.

11. Personal storage and use of alcohol and illegal drugs are prohibited on chapter property. This includes the chapter house, suite or any other recognized chapter facility, including residence hall floors used by Alpha Xi Delta.

Overnight Events
  • Overnight events with non-members are prohibited.
  • A chapter can host an overnight event (e.g., Sisterhood retreat) provided it is substance-free and only members in attendance.  
Third Party Vendor Procedures

• The Third Party Vendor (TPV) shall be properly licensed by the appropriate local and state authority. This might involve both a liquor license and a temporary license to sell on the premises at the function.

• The TPV shall be properly insured with a minimum of $1,000,000 of general liability insurance, evidenced by a properly completed certificate of insurance prepared by the insurance provider.

• The TPV must agree to per-drink sales only, collected by the vendor, during the function.

• The TPV must assume, in writing, all the responsibilities that any other purveyor of alcoholic beverages would assume in the normal course of business, including but not limited to:

a. Checking ID cards upon entry;

b. Not serving minors;

c. Not serving individuals who appear to be intoxicated; and,

d. Maintaining absolute control of ALL alcoholic containers present.

• A guest list system is required and must follow the attendance guidelines for event type noted in this Policy.

• Event monitors are required for all social events or activities. Event monitors are to remain substance-free leading up to the event and throughout the duration of the event.

• Designated driver programs are allowed when they are associated with an Alpha Xi Delta event within the college / university area. (Please see the Transportation section for more information.)

BYOB Procedures

• BYOB social functions are allowed if they are compatible with the campus/university social policy.

• The alcohol that each person may bring and consume to a BYOB event is no more than: six standard drinks (consisting of beer, cider, wine, wine coolers, etc.) for each person of legal drinking age who will be consuming alcoholic beverages at this event.

• No hard liquor is allowed.

• There shall be no beverages served from a bulk or common source of alcohol, such as a keg, punch bowl, or pitcher at any social event.

• A guest list system is required and must follow the attendance guidelines for event type noted in this Policy.

• Event monitors are required for all social events and activities. Event monitors are to remain substance-free leading up to the event and throughout the duration of the event.

• The chapter is responsible for checking IDs at the door to physically identify (i.e. non-removable wristband, non-transferable stamp or marking, etc.) those of legal drinking age.

• Designated driver programs are allowed when they are associated with an Alpha Xi Delta event within the college/university area. (Please see the Transportation section for more information.)


All Alpha Xi Delta events must take place within the United States.

Events Away from the College/University Area

In the event a chapter holds a social event away from the college or university area, all members and guests attending shall travel to and from the event by a licensed and insured commercial transportation (e.g. bus or large vans) within the same day or evening.

If a chapter hires a vendor to transport members and guests, the vendor must meet the following requirements:

1. Commercial Auto Insurance that provides coverage for transporting people and property for a fee.

2. Commercial Auto Insurance that provides, at a minimum, primary coverage of $1,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage.

3. A professional driver who has a current valid commercial vehicle operator’s license in the state in which the driver is located.

When commercial transportation is used, for Third-Party Vendor events, no alcohol is allowed in any part of the vehicle. For BYOB events, no alcohol will be transported in the passenger compartment of the vehicle.

Events Within the College/University Area

In the event a chapter holds a social event within the college or university area, transportation options include:

1. Licensed and insured commercial transportation.

2. A chapter can utilize public transportation services including but not limited to taxi, Uber, Lyft, subway, campus bus, or city bus.

3. Members and guests can choose to walk to the event.

4. A chapter can utilize a designated driver program.

5. Members can self-transport.

Designated Driver Program

• Designated driver programs are permitted when they are associated with Alpha Xi Delta, are voluntary and the event is held within the college or university area.

• Members should not participate in designated driver programs facilitated by other organizations.

• Drivers must have a valid driver’s license and personal insurance. Alpha Xi Delta does not provide insurance for personal vehicles used for the event.


The chapter and members must comply with all federal, state, provincial, and local laws regarding hazing. The term “hazing” means any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a person, whether individually or in concert with other persons, against any individual or group of individuals, regardless of affiliation, whether or not committed on Alpha Xi Delta property, regardless of a person’s willingness to participate:

a. Be coerced to violate federal, state, provincial, local law, or Alpha Xi Delta policy.

b. Be coerced to consume any food, liquid, alcoholic liquid, drug, or other substance in any non-customary manner which subjects the individual or group of individuals to a substantial risk of emotional or physical harm which includes but not limited to sickness, vomiting, intoxication, or unconsciousness.

c. Endure brutality of a physical nature, including but not limited to whipping, beating, paddling, branding, dangerous physical activity, or exposure to elements or endure threats of such conduct that results in mental or physical harm.

d. Endure brutality of a mental nature, including but not limited to activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact or conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment or endure threats of such conduct that results in mental or physical harm.

e. Endure any other activity which adversely affects the health and safety of an individual, including but not limited to the disruption of academic performance or class attendance, required designated driving programs, line ups, calisthenics, or personal, physical, or financial servitude.


The use or representation of paddles in any form is not acceptable. Their strong association with hazing makes them symbols that misrepresent Alpha Xi Delta’s mission.

Sexual Misconduct

College chapters, alumnae associations and its members must comply with all federal, state, provincial, and local laws related to sexual misconduct. This is including, but not limited to, definitions around consent, sexual violence, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation.

The employment or use of strippers, exotic dancers or similar, whether professional or amateur, at any chapter activity or event as defined in this policy is prohibited.


Alpha Xi Delta prohibits retaliation against any individual – members and non-members – for reporting, inquiring, or cooperating with a report around a violation of Alpha Xi Delta Policy.

Retaliation is any action, statement, or behavior that is designed to punish an individual for filing a compliance report, cooperating with a compliance investigation, seeking guidance regarding a compliance concern, or to deter one from taking such action.

Assault and Battery

In any activity or event sponsored or endorsed by the college chapter or alumnae association, including those that occur on or off Alpha Xi Delta premises, no chapter, member or guest shall engage in assault and battery, as defined in the state statues in which the activity or event occurs.

Firearms, Explosive or Incendiary Devices

The college chapter, alumnae association and its members must comply with all federal, state, local laws and campus policy as it relates to firearms or explosive or incendiary devices. Firearms or explosive or incendiary devices are prohibited from the chapter facility and at all chapter activities or events.

Alpha Xi Delta Facilities

• Chapter, alumnae associations, members and guests shall comply with any fire code or facility capacities.

• All Alpha Xi Delta facilities are to be smoke-free and space heaters are prohibited.

• Candles shall not be used in chapter facilities or individual rooms except under controlled circumstances such as Initiation.

Medical Amnesty Policy

The Medical Amnesty Policy aims to reduce barriers to seeking help and to encourage all Alpha Xi Delta members, chapters and associations to make responsible decisions in potentially serious or life-threatening situations for members, new members, guests and themselves.

The Alpha Xi Delta Medical Amnesty Policy empowers members, chapters and associations to seek medical assistance for themselves and individuals who may be experiencing health-related complications from alcohol, hazing, assault, drugs, or other substances, including but not limited to injury, overdose, passing out, falling, self-harm or mental well-being.

In potentially serious or life-threatening situations, the following three step-process should be followed:

1. CALL 911 immediately to report the incident.

2. CONTINUE to remain with the individual(s) needing medical assistance, so long as it is safe to do so.

3. COOPERATE with emergency officials and any subsequent investigation(s) by the university and the national/international organization.

When the three-step process is followed, it allows the individual, chapter or association to do the right thing to help others and allows the individual to engage with the chapter and national organization for educational outcomes focused on future prevention.

Amnesty under this policy only applies to violations of Alpha Xi Delta policies (national organization and collegiate chapter). Collegiate members should be familiar with any amnesty policies at their host institution or with their state and municipality. Members should understand that amnesty within Alpha Xi Delta policy does not always translate to amnesty within the college/university setting or with law enforcement.

Philanthropy Events/Fundraising Activities

1. Alpha Xi Delta chapters and alumnae associations may host philanthropy events where alcohol is present in accordance with Third Party Vendor Procedures.

2. The number of attendees must not exceed contractual or fire code allowance.

3. A guest list system noting who is in attendance must be used.

Amusement Devices

High-risk amusement devices such as, slip and slides, dunk tanks, mechanical bulls or similar on chapter premises or at any Alpha Xi Delta sponsored event or activities shall be prohibited.

Communication, Online and Social Media Policy

Download the Policy

Privacy Policy

Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity understands that security and privacy are important issues for users of our website ("Site") and for our members in connection with their membership records. Alpha Xi Delta recognizes our obligations to keep your information secure and confidential. That is why we maintain the following standards to help protect information that personally identifies you, excluding any publicly available information. 

Download Our Privacy Policy

Policy Distribution

Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity shall distribute its Health and Safety Policies on an annual basis. A copy of the Health and Safety Policies is available in Exclusively Xi’s Resource Center. The above policies are effective as of July 26, 2024.