University of Georgia Housing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the address?
480 S. Milledge Ave. In Athens, GA

When will the project be complete and ready for move-in?
Members will be able to move in fall 2025. The front building will be renovated to turn it into a chapter meeting space, lounge and study space. The timeline for renovations for the front building is TBD, but the apartments will be ready for move-in for fall 2025.

What will the room setups be?
The chapter facility will be set up as apartment style living. There will be a main building that faces Milledge Ave. that will be the common gathering place for Sisters to study, hang out, have meetings and much more. Behind the main building are apartment buildings. The total occupancy for the facility is 60. Each apartment has a kitchen, bathroom, living room and two bedrooms. Four Sisters will share one apartment.

Will there be any renovations? Who is involved in the construction and design process of the new facility?
We are happy to share the facility will not need major renovations to have it ready for fall 2025 move-in. The NHC has engaged in conversations with local and national vendors to get this project underway. A small team including the Director of Managed Properties, interior designer, our Associate Director of Managed Properties, and the chapter will provide input and assistance as our team works through final selections. We will work with the chapter to determine a committee that will assist throughout the project's process. The committee would also be our liaison back to the chapter to provide updates to and questions from the membership.

Why did Alpha Xi Delta choose this property?
The property is in the heart of the Athens fraternal housing community on Milledge Avenue. Our team was focused on finding a property that was located in a desirable location, conducive to the needs of a women's fraternity at UGA, and competitive to other organizations’ facilities at UGA.

Will alumnae, parents and other stakeholders be able to visit the property?
Yes, there will be opportunities for alumnae, parents and stakeholders to visit the property in the future once members move-in. There are current residents in the apartments, so we ask that people do not disturb the current tenants. We look forward to hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony once the project is complete.

Will there be a required meal plan if I have an apartment where I can cook?
We are discussing the option for meal plans and what that may look like. More updates will be coming soon.

Will we have chapter dinners?
More updates will be coming soon!

How long is the lease?
More information about housing agreements will be shared soon.

Will the apartments be furnished by NHC or the occupants?
We are discussing this and determining next steps, but information about furniture will be provided far in advance of move-in so that members can plan what to bring.

Will there be parking?
Yes, there is on-site parking available. There are approximately 30 spaces. The National Housing Corporation will work with the chapter on the best way to determine priority for parking and communicate that once parking accommodations are finalized.

How will the renovations and furnishings be paid for?
The funds to renovate and provide new furnishings are part of the National Housing Corporation’s budget. Future renovations and furnishings will be financed in various ways – from the National Housing Corporation, the chapter, and any generous gifts from alumnae and parents. More information will be coming in the future about ways others can assist with this project.

Will the OOH fees increase the year the chapter moves in?
While we cannot predict inflation throughout this project's timeline, we are committed to remaining fiscally responsible and ensure the costs are comparable to the campus norm. We will continue to maintain communication throughout the process.

Will we share during Formal Recruitment?
We will share our exciting news to Potential New Members during formal recruitment. Our team is prepared to assist the chapter with talking points, provide inspiration boards of the new space, and more during work week to be prepared to speak about the house during recruitment.