Alexis' Story
I have always wanted to be a part of Greek life. I loved the idea of being a part of a larger organization and having lifelong friends and Sisters. Going into recruitment, I was so afraid about finding my home on campus. Alpha Xi Delta was the first room I visited. The minute I walked in I saw smiling faces and met girls who were truly proud and excited to be a part of their organization. I wanted that so badly. I was so nervous before entering that room, but once I started talking to my now Sisters, I was relaxed and I felt so at home. For the remainder of the night, I was constantly thinking back to my time at Alpha Xi Delta. At the end of recruitment, when I finally got the envelope containing my Bid, I was praying that Alpha Xi Delta wanted me as much as I wanted them. When I finally opened my bid and got to run home to my Sisters, I knew I had found the women I wanted to be surrounded with for the rest of my undergraduate career and rest of my life. Before joining Alpha Xi Delta, I would have never taken a leadership position or applied to have a position at all. Since joining Alpha Xi Delta, I have broken out of my shell and have grown into a more confident woman. I am now the Sisterhood director in my chapter and I am so excited to continue to realize my potential in the coming years with my sisters!

- Submitted by Alexis Edwards, Southern Illinois, Edwardsville '17