You Make This Happen
The Foundation provides significant funding for leadership and personal development programming.
By giving to the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation, you make Alpha Xi Delta a great national Fraternity and help inspire young women to realize their potential in leadership, knowledge and service. Yours gifts help to fund programs not fully covered by our members’ dues and fees. Programs for our collegiate Sisters like:
The Leadership Coach Program
The Leadership Coach Program provides one-on-one coaching to help undergraduate Sisters develop leadership skills and enhance their personal growth. Leadership Coaches (LCs) receive training in the following areas: leadership development, communication skills, personal development, career preparation, educational programs, CliftonStrengths and Inspire Programming. LCs facilitate all-chapter programs and provide individual coaching on topics within these areas to encourage reflection and development.
The Founders’ Academy
The Founders' Academy (TFA) is Alpha Xi Delta's premiere summer educational opportunity held in off-Convention years for Chapter Presidents and emerging chapter leaders.
“By investing the time and energy in me, helping me polish my strengths, enabling me to be the best version of myself. Understanding my strengths is the same as understanding my tools to succeed. Once someone understands what tools they have, they can start building. I feel as though I have been equipped for life.” - Becky Klonel, Stetson ’13, TFA 2016 attendee
A Clear Vision of Life: The Wellbeing Program for Alumnae
This program, written by alumnae, is designed to engage alumnae and encourage personal development. Based on the book, Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements by Tom Rath and Jim Harter, participants are encouraged to review Challenges related to each of the five elements of Wellbeing: Purpose, Community, Financial, Physical and Social.
The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation issues $100,000 in scholarships annually to Sisters who need assistance with furthering their educational and professional learning. You can provide perpetual support for deserving students by creating an endowed fund. The minimum amount to establish a new scholarship endowment is $25,000. This could be a one-time gift or given over five years. Or, you may wish to sponsor a one-time distribution of a scholarship with a $1,000 contribution which may be renewed annually.
View a List of Foundation Scholarships
Are you interested in endowing a scholarship? Email for more information.