Letters of Love

Letters of Love is an online awareness and donation philanthropy challenge for all active and dormant chapters that runs during November.

Through the Kindly Hearts Initiative, our chapters, associations, and Sisters raise funds for key impact organizations that are making a national or regional difference under the umbrella of our focus. The key impact organizations are FosterClub and StandUp for Kids.

Give to Letters of Love 2024

About FosterClub

FosterClub provides a peer support network for children and youth in foster care. Whether advocating on their own behalf, in concern for siblings or family members, or speaking out on behalf of their 400,000+ peers currently in the system; FosterClub’s website, publications, and events provide a youth-friendly network which helps the voices of young people to be heard.

Learn More about FosterClub

About StandUp for Kids

StandUp for Kids serves unaccompanied homeless and at-risk youth – and young parents with children of their own – up to their 25th birthday. Their ongoing mission is to end the cycle of youth homelessness. To do this, they have built four core programs in many of the cities where they operate in volunteer teams: Street Outreach, Outreach Centers, Mentoring, and Housing.

Learn More about StandUp for Kids