Dyad Survey
Dyad Membership Experience Survey Program
The Alpha Xi Delta Membership Experience Survey Program, consisting of the Initiated Member Survey and New Member Survey, include surveys for undergraduate members that assess our organizational culture and the impact of Alpha Xi Delta membership on our members and established goals.
Alpha Xi Delta partners with Dyad Strategies to conduct the survey. All questions in the surveys are part of measurement scales tested for reliability and validity to measure our desired outcomes. None of these questions were written by anyone associated as an employee or volunteer of Alpha Xi Delta. The surveys are anonymous. Aggregate chapter data will be compiled and shared in reports, but no individual identifying information will be disclosed. To help Alpha Xi Delta continue to improve as an organization, it is very important that members respond honestly to all questions. The results of this survey are for educational purposes, and no adverse actions will be taken toward individuals or chapters as a result of answers given within the surveys. Each survey should take 25-30 minutes to complete.
Initiated Member Survey Info & Timeline
Who should take the Initiated Member Survey?
New Members for the semester the survey is being deployed for should take the survey. For example, spring New Members should take the Spring New Member Survey. On March 8, the assessment will be sent to each member individually via email. The survey link is unique for each person and must not be forwarded or shared with other members.
Do our inactive status members need to take it?
Members who are considered inactive, including those who are studying abroad, student teaching, or participating in a co-op, are not required to complete the assessment. Since they are still listed as members within Vault, they will receive the survey link, but will not be factored into your chapter roster when calculating completion rates.
What chapter officer is responsible for helping implement the Initiated Member Survey?
Member Development Vice Presidents (MDVP) and New Member Orientation Directors (NMOD) will play an integral role in the implementation of the Initiated Member Survey.
- In late February/early March, MDVPs and NMODs should take 10-15 minutes during a New Member Meeting to introduce the New Member Survey using the Script provided by FHQ.
- In March and April, MDVPs and NMODs should monitor weekly progress reports and share out updates with the New Member class.
What is the survey timeline?
- By March 6: New Member chapter rosters must be updated in Vault.
- March 8: The New Member Survey opens. Each New Member eligible to take the survey will receive an email with the link.
- April 5: The New Member Survey closes.
New Member Survey Info & Timeline
Who should take the New Member Survey?
New Members for the semester the survey is being deployed should take the survey. For example, spring New Members should take the Spring New Member Survey. On October 21, the assessment will be sent to each member individually via email. The survey link is unique for each person and must not be forwarded or shared with other members.
What chapter officer is responsible for helping implement the New Member Survey?
Member Development Vice Presidents (MDVP) and New Member Orientation Directors (NMOD) will play an integral role in the implementation of the Initiated Member Survey.
- In October, MDVPs and NMODs should take 10-15 minutes during a New Member meeting to introduce the New Member Survey using the Chapter Script provided by FHQ.
- In October and November, MDVPs and NMODs should monitor weekly progress reports and share out updates with the New Member class.
What is the survey timeline?
- By October 17: New Member chapter rosters must be updated in Vault.
- October 21: The New Member Survey opens. Each member eligible to take the survey will receive an email with the link.
- November 16: The New Member Survey closes.
Alpha Xi Delta New Member Survey FAQs
What is the Alpha Xi Delta Membership Experience Survey Program?
The Membership Experience Survey Program, a membership outcomes assessment deployed by Dyad Strategies, is a series of surveys that will capture data relating to the Alpha Xi Delta undergraduate experience. The data collected from the surveys will allow chapters and volunteers to better understand the experiences of their membership and current chapter culture while also providing FHQ with deeper insights of the entire Alpha Xi Delta membership along with individual chapters to allow for more tailored support. The survey will be broken into two parts; the Initiated Member Survey for active, initiated members, and the New Member Survey for New Members.
Does everyone have to take it?
Chapters should strive towards 100% completion; however, we recognize that may not always be possible. To get statistically significant results, a minimum of 70% response rate is required to achieve the Double Blue and Gold Standard.
How long will it take
The entire survey will take 25 – 30 minutes to complete.
What should I expect from the weekly progress reports?
Weekly progress reports will be made available each week and will include a list of your members indicating who has and has not completed the survey. They will also include how close the chapter is to the minimum 70% completion rate required
What if my members don’t take this seriously or rush through the survey? Will that affect our chapter’s results?
Possibly. This survey is for the benefit of chapter leaders, to provide direct feedback from your members. If students are dishonest or rush through by marking random answers, that will affect your results. The survey tabulation software has some built-in controls for “fake data,” so one or two members not taking it seriously won’t skew your results. The best way to prevent this is to emphasize the importance and benefits for the entire chapter by sharing honest and complete answers.
Are the results confidential?
Yes. Responses will be collected by our data firm partner, Dyad. Fraternity Headquarters staff, volunteers, and chapter members will not have access to individual responses and will only see chapter-level and organizational-level reports.
Will the results be used for any disciplinary action against a chapter?
No. The questions in the survey measure the attitudes and experiences of your members. We will not collect data on specific incidents. Data collected from questions relating to alcohol, hazing, and sexual assault behaviors will be used to provide better and tailored support to your chapters and more robust educational initiatives but will not be used in any punitive way.
Will we do this again next year?
Yes! The Membership Experience Survey Program will be administered every year in the fall term for both surveys, and the spring term for the New Member Survey. Conducting the survey each year will allow chapters to continue to learn about the realities of their chapter experience and provide insight into changing trends both at the chapter and national organization level.
Are the Initiated Member Survey and New Member Surveys the same?
No, each is their own separate survey. The Initiated Member Survey is for all initiated members. The New Member Survey is for New Members only.
Who should we contact if we have problems or questions?
Please contact Kristen Wyse Wagner, Director of Education and Leadership, at kwagner@alphaxidelta.org.
Alpha Xi Delta Membership Experience Survey Program Troubleshooting Guide
Fraternity Headquarters contact for troubleshooting:
Kristen Wyse Wagner
Director of Education and Leadership
Survey link
The assessment will be sent to each member INDIVIDUALLY via email, to the email address listed in Vault. The survey link is unique for each person and will not work if it’s forwarded or shared with other Sisters.
Who is it from?
The email will be from josh@dyadstrategies.com. “Member Survey” will be clearly displayed in the subject line.
I didn’t get the email.
- First, check your spam or junk folder. Sort by date and look for emails dated either September 23 for the Initiated Member Survey or October 21 for the New Member Survey or search for “Dyad” or “Member Survey” as a keyword.
- Second, check which email address is listed in Vault. That’s where the survey email was sent.
- If the email address in Vault is one that you can’t access anymore, contact Kristen Wyse Wagner at FHQ. She can update your email address and have Dyad re-send the survey.
- If you still cannot locate your email, please add the domain “@surveymonkey.com” to your safe sender list. This will help ensure that emails from the survey platform are not blocked. This looks different for each email platform (Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, etc.). Depending on your platform this action may be completed via email filters, rules, or the safe sender list.
I deleted the email.
- First, go into your “deleted items” or “trash” folder and find it. Sort by date and look for emails dated September 23 for the Initiated Member Survey or October 21 for the New Member Survey or search for “Dyad” or “Member Survey” as a keyword.
- If you emptied your trash and really can’t find it, contact Kristen Wyse Wagner. She can update your email address and have Dyad re-send the survey.
Lots of Sisters in my chapter didn’t get the email.
If it’s just a few individuals (10 or less), have them personally contact Kristen Wyse Wagner at FHQ. She will need:
- Full name
- Chapter or campus
- Correct email address the survey should be sent to
- The email address in Vault and the survey will be resent
Please note that going into Vault to change an email address after the Vault cutoff date will NOT automatically re-send the survey to the updated email address. The emails are coming from an external vendor.
If there are more than 10 members who did not receive the survey, have the Chapter President contact Kristen Wyse Wagner with an excel spreadsheet with the information above.
If most of your chapter (more than 50%) did not receive the survey, the Chapter President should contact Kristen Wyse Wagner first. It’s possible that your campus email server has blocked the messages. We can develop a workaround based on your unique circumstances.
Member is marked as “Opted-Out”:
Dyad Strategies utilizes SurveyMonkey for the deployment of our surveys. If a member is marked as “Opted-Out,” this means that in the past, they received a different survey from SurveyMonkey and unsubscribed from emails. If a person has unsubscribed from SurveyMonkey emails at any point, any future surveys sent from SurveyMonkey from landing in their inbox. This includes the Initiated Member Survey. In order to receive the Initiated Member Survey, they need to “Opt-In” to SurveyMonkey emails again. In order to “Opt-In,” the member will need to enter their email address via this link. They will then receive an email from SurveyMonkey with a link to confirm their Opt-In preference. After that is confirmed, they will receive their Initiated Member Survey email.
There are Sisters on our roster who are no longer active. Did they get the survey? Will that impact our participation rate?
Everyone on your roster as of the Vault cutoff date will get the survey, however only active, initiated members will count towards the required 70%.
For roster changes after the Vault cutoff date, make those updates in Vault and also contact Kristen Wyse Wagner. She will manually remove those women from your survey list.
What should we do if New Members are initiated when the Initiated Member Survey is open?
You don’t need to do anything. We know that New Members may be initiated during this period, but their experience more closely aligns with that of a New Member. For this reason, they will only take the New Member survey this fall and will complete the Initiated Member Survey starting in the fall of 2025.