Racial Justice Workshop
Alpha Xi Delta is proud to offer a workshop series, founded in transformative learning, that brings together Sisters from across the nation. Guided by an experienced and trained facilitator, participants will work within a small group to understand the importance of active listening, define race and racism, uncover the meaning of privilege and how to expand yours to include others, and create personal action steps to impact your community.
If you're interested in hosting a workshop series for your alumnae association or chapter, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions
What will I get out of participation?
The learning and growth that happens when we have conversations about critical topics (even those that we may not be sure how to discuss) is part of why we need each other.
The workshop series will help Sisters to:
- Understand active listening and why it’s important
- Identify what makes (and doesn’t make) a good listener
- Define race and racism
- Understand privilege and how it is structurally around us
- Expand privilege to include others
- Make observations through a new lens
- Identify action steps for you to take right now
- Be able to clearly recognize what you have learned and how it appears in your life and community
Is this program only for white people?
No. This program is for all of our Sisters who are committed to exploring and affirming their commitment to racial justice.
How many Sisters are in each workshop series?
A maximum of 18 will be in each workshop series.
Do I need to attend all the dates listed?
Yes. The workshops build on each other and it’s important that you attend each one.
Who is the audience—alumnae or undergraduates? What about new members?
BOTH! This program is for both undergraduates and alumnae. New Members are welcome, too!
Can we sign up our whole chapter or alumnae association?
Yes! You complete this form request a session. There is a maximum of 18 people per series.
How do we make this mandatory?
You cannot. This is a workshop series for those who want to learn and grow in the safety of our Sisterhood. Making this program mandatory changes the intention of those participating.
I’m not confident in this area—how much experience do I need to have to participate?
This program is designed to welcome anyone at any level of experience. Those who are just starting out through those who are further in their personal journey are welcome to join.
Once I sign up, then what?
Your facilitator will contact you one week in advance of your first scheduled workshop and provide a workbook PDF and Zoom meeting information.
You will need to be in a semi-private space with strong internet access as there will be challenge-by-choice participation and small group work. For this reason, you should not plan to have multiple people joining from one device. Each person needs an individual registration and to be in their own space/computer.
None of the times listed work for me!
Sessions will be continually added. Check back and make sure you’re following the Fraternity’s social media accounts (and mark FHQ emails as “safe” in your email) to be the first to know when new options are available!
Why is Alpha Xi Delta hosting this program?
This optional program is being offered to our members, with the gracious funding from the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation, for our Sisterhood to continue to learn and grow on topics relevant to our lives and our communities.
Racial justice and anti-racism are not a political construct. The safety and keeping of our communities are everyone’s responsibility, as is creating a space within Alpha Xi Delta that welcomes all women.