Jen's Letter of Love
Written by Jennifer (Beeman) Zipf, Wisconsin-Eau Claire '98
Letters of Love is a campaign where Alpha Xi Deltas raise money for FosterClub and StandUp for Kids. Through The Kindly Hearts Initiative's philanthropic focus, supporting nonprofit organizations serving children and teens experiencing foster care or homelessness, Sisters also have the opportunity to support organizations that are also making a difference in local communities. Today I want to share my "why" for supporting Letters of Love and why the focus of The Kindly Hearts Initiative is so dear to my heart.
Dear Sisters,
It is my favorite time of year- when my love for Alpha Xi Delta, my dedication to philanthropy, and my life-long commitment to serving in public education all align.
As an educator, my passion for supporting youth experiencing foster care and homelessness comes from a deep understanding of the unique challenges they face. These children often enter the classroom burdened with emotional trauma, instability, and a lack of support at home, which can make it difficult for them to focus, engage, or believe in their potential. Yet, despite these challenges, I have witnessed firsthand the resilience, strength, and determination that these young individuals possess. It is my belief that every child, no matter their circumstances, deserves an education that empowers them to overcome obstacles and realize their potential to achieve their dreams.

Jen (featured far right) at National Convention with Shannon Schwartz (left) and Becky Soderholm (center)
Working with children in foster care and those experiencing homelessness requires more than just academic support—it calls for a holistic approach that nurtures their emotional well-being, builds their self-esteem, and provides a sense of stability. FosterClub and StandUp For Kids provide additional support and an environment where these students feel safe, valued, and seen for who they are, not just for the challenges they face. By building strong, trusting relationships and offering consistent encouragement, they develop the confidence to succeed academically and in life.

Through Letters of Love, Alpha Xi Delta’s mission is to support FosterClub and StandUp for Kids, two incredible organizations who provide these young individuals with the resources, guidance, and opportunities they need to build a brighter future. With your hard work during Letters of Love we can continue to make a meaningful impact in the lives of these vulnerable young individuals and also offer them hope and opportunities for a brighter future. Together, we can empower these young individuals to overcome adversity and build the foundation for a successful life. I encourage you to send 10 more letters of love today to ask your loved ones to help you reach your goal and support the future of youth experiencing foster care and homelessness.