Real Merit and Worth: Lesson 9
Please read the following items to prepare for lesson nine of Real Merit and Worth: The New Member Program.
- The National Organization
- The National Chapter
- Fraternity Headquarters
- Alpha Xi Delta's three boards
- Past National Presidents
- Alpha Xi Delta Foundation
The National Organization
The national organization has several parts, each performing separate functions, but working with and dependent on all the others. Each part has both elected and appointed officers who serve the members and respond to their needs.
National Council is the executive and policy-making body of Alpha Xi Delta, and supervises the Fraternity between National Conventions. Seven elected officers make up the Council, including a National President and six National Vice Presidents. The National Council as a whole as the following duties:
1. Grant charters to establish new chapters.
2. Discipline chapters and new and initiated members.
3. Appoint the National Executive Director and other special officers, committees, and professional advisors as needed to conduct the Fraternity’s business.
4. Adopt and amend the National Bylaws.
5. Adopt the national budget and supervise the national treasury.
6. Represent and act for the Fraternity in all matters between National Conventions.
National Chapter
National Chapter is the legislative body of the Fraternity vested with the supreme power and jurisdiction by the National Constitution. It is made up of National Council, Past National Presidents, and one voting delegate from each college chapter and alumnae association in good standing. The National Chapter amends the Constitution and elects the National Council.
Meetings of the National Chapter occur at National Convention, which is usually held every two years. Each chapter has an opportunity to take an active part in the governing of Alpha Xi Delta by sending a delegate to Convention. At the 2001 National Convention, the National Chapter voted to adopt a new volunteer structure for Alpha Xi Delta. (Volunteers are alumnae members who assist college chapters and alumnae associations.) The new structure gives a larger number of members the opportunity to support and guide chapters and alumnae associations. National Council appoints Area Facilitators, National Director and Territory Directors.
Area Facilitators
These women provide consistent leadership and support to three to four college chapters within her geographic area. Part of the Area Facilitator’s role is to interpret and, when necessary, grant exception to policy. Think of her as the person to contact for answers to financial, programming or chapter management issues.
National Directors
These women provide additional support to colonies and chapters. The National Director’s Network enhances the assistance offered to chapters and advisors by the New Chapter Development Specialist or Area Facilitator. National Directors oversee the areas of academics, alumnae, extension, finance, member development, new member, Panhellenic, philanthropy, recruitment and ritual.
Territory Directors
Each National Director has four territory directors in her specific area of focus who serve as additional resources for chapters and alumnae. Territory Directors are responsible for initiating contact with chapter advisors, chapter officers and alumnae associations. Area Facilitators are apprised of these communications, as appropriate.
This central office is the business and communication center of Alpha Xi Delta and is under the supervision of the National Executive Director, who is appointed by the Fraternity’s National Council. In addition to the National Executive Director, department directors and other full and part-time staff members assist with the successful functioning of Fraternity Headquarters.
The staff members fulfill responsibilities that are based on the Fraternity’s vision and mission statements and goals, by working in teams that comprise several departments: Executive, Member Services, Finance and Operations, Communications and Marketing and Housing. Along with initiating and supervising activities that lead to the Fraternity’s and members’ goals, the National Executive Director represents Alpha Xi Delta in various national organizations, including FIPG and the Fraternity Executives Association.
Alpha Xi Delta's Three Boards
National Council
National Council is the executive and policy-making body of Alpha Xi Delta. Seven elected officers make up the Council, including a National President and six National Vice Presidents.
Foundation Board of Directors
Eleven Trustees are responsible for creating and sustaining the Foundation's mission, approving long range plans and ensuring financial solvency, managing resources, ensuring adequate resources and monitoring programs and services for consistency with the Foundation’s vision and goals. Trustees establish prudent investment philosophies, policies and practices; approve and monitor the budget; and identify, cultivate and steward donors.
National Housing Corporation
The National Housing Corporation board consists of alumnae members who determine best practices for Alpha Xi Delta's housing interests.
Cora Bollinger Block, Alpha
Edna Epperson Brinkman, Alpha
Ella Boston Leib, Alpha
Mary Emily Kay, Gamma
Lena Grandin Baldwin, Eta
Polly Fenton, Theta
Anna Miller Knote, Zeta
Olive Johnson Thompson, Omicron
Ann O’Connor Briggs, Alpha Theta
Dorothy Bryan Dengler, Eta
Grace Cogger Carlson, Psi
Olive Torgeson Wagner, Sigma
Frances Trewyn Kuechenmeister, Theta
Winnafred Corwin Robinson, Theta
Hannah Wollaston Schellenbach, Delta
Elizabeth G. Van Buskirk, Eta
Mary Burt Brooks Nash, Alpha Theta
Ethel Garnier Thompson, Alpha Gamma
Ruth Fowler Brown, Pi
Lois Kopper Stump, Alpha Kappa
Ernistine Brown Marks, Alpha Eta
Betty French Unkel, Psi
Kathleen Drumm Boscardin, Gamma Zeta
Maxine Evans Blackburn, Zeta
Dorothy Clarkson Dodd, Alpha Epsilon
Jayne Wade Anderson, Rho
Linda Belles Dinus, Nu
Kimberly Starr, Xi
Jane Hooper Sutton, Epsilon Gamma
Deborah Fenwick Maas, Gamma Beta
Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Delta Rho
Sandi Edwards, Xi
Michele Herbst Evink, Epsilon Eta
2017- 2021
Micaela A. Isler, Beta Alpha
Becky Perrett, Rho
Megan Crouch, Delta Rho
The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation
Established in 1956, the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation, the fundraising entity for the Fraternity, supports Fraternity educational and leadership development programming; provides and continues to expand scholarships, grants, and member support funds; and encourages philanthropy. The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation only receives contributions from members, chapters, friends and investment income. Founded by our Sisters who knew that the development and growth of our members was key to the future success of both them and the Fraternity, the Foundation helps to fund educational and leadership development programs that are not fully funded by member dues and fees. To read more about the Foundation, click here.
The Foundation supports the following Alpha Xi Delta priority programs including CliftonStrengths assessment - a program that allows our members to develop skills and goals by focusing on maximizing their strengths.
The Leadership Coach Program
The Leadership Coach Program provides one-on-one coaching to help undergraduate Sisters develop leadership skills and enhance their personal growth. Leadership Coaches (LCs) receive training in the following areas: leadership development, communication skills, personal development, career preparation, educational programs, StrengthsQuest™ and Bridges (programming for seniors). LCs facilitate all-chapter programs and provide individual coaching on topics within these areas to encourage reflection and development.
The Founders’ Academy
The Founders' Academy (TFA) is Alpha Xi Delta's premiere summer educational opportunity held in off-Convention years for Chapter Presidents and emerging chapter leaders.
A Clear Vision of Life: The Wellbeing Program for Alumnae
This program, written by alumnae, is designed to engage alumnae and encourage personal development. Based on the book, Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements by Tom Rath and Jim Harter, participants are encouraged to review Challenges related to each of the five elements of Wellbeing: Purpose, Community, Financial, Physical and Social.
Through these programs, the Foundation helps develop women who are leaders and responsible citizens of their communities. Foundation giving is an expectation of membership in Alpha Xi Delta. Every gift, whatever the amount, is important. As a collegiate member, you can honor your chapter or academic advisor, professor, parents or a special occasion with a gift to the Foundation.
Collegiate members are encouraged to participate in the Undergraduate Giving Challenge, which takes place each fall. Members who donate at least $18.93 will be members of the Heart Sunshine Circle, an annual giving circle, and will receive a dangle to wear with their Quill badge.
Scholarships and Grants available through the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation
With the ever increasing costs of going to college, financial assistance for deserving Sisters is a priority of the Foundation and our Sisters and friends who have endowed scholarships. The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation issues $100,000 in scholarships annually to Sisters who need assistance with furthering their educational and professional learning.
General scholarships are available for collegiate members regardless of chapter or field of study, and alumnae members in a graduate program, regardless of chapter or field of study. Some scholarships do have restrictions or preferences as requested by donors. Scholarship applications are due each year by March 15.
- To view a list of available scholarships, click here.
- To view a list of available grants and awards, click here.